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Born in Lima 19/12/1963; Nationality: Peru and Italy; Current address: Via Nazario Sauro 4, Roma 000195;  Cellulare: +39 3466326112; ; email: Web page: Andean and Tiwanaku  Archaeology. Blog page:

Profession: Anthropologist, archaeologist (PhD), writer in popular archaeology and heritage.

Current positions: professor at the American University in Rome. Consultant.  I am currently writing a book on the early colonial period in the Andes and the origin of the Inca Empire.  I am periodically updating my website  with new resources for the dissemination of the prehistory of the Andes. Most recent resource: Archaeology: Methodology and Theory, a course for beginners (in Spanish).

Previous positions
2007-08 Internship at the Technical Department of the Municipality of Rome (headed by Arch. Maurizio Anastasi).
2004 Consultant for the United Nations Children Fund and University of Pittsburgh, Children Friendly Spaces program.
2002-03  Consultant (ad-honorem) in the project of the reconstruction of the XVI century Ferhadija Mosque in Banja Luka, Bosnia.

2002 Consultant for the online course on Literacy and Adult Learning for the Institute of Education-Hamburg (UNESCO): Literacy Exchange Online Course.
2002 Consultant and manager for the Institute of Education-Hamburg (UNESCO) program of promotion of Literacy and Adult Learning web site: Literacy Exchange Online.
2000 Consultant for Cultural Management Training Program, Ministry of Culture of Kosovo-Kosova Foundation for Open Society.
2000 Cultural Heritage Officer, Department of Culture, United Nations Mission in Kosovo.
1999 Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Asmara. Box 1220, Asmara, Eritrea.
1996 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, New York.

2007    Master in Economia della Cultura: Politiche, Governo e Gestione Consorzio Baicr Sistema Cultura e Università degli Studi di Roma, Tor Vergata.
1996 Ph.D. Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh: Prehispanic Settlement and Land-use in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
1989 Professional title of Licenciado in Archaeology; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peruvian national registry CH-8911).
1987 BA. degree in Humanities with major in Archaeology, with thesis entitled "Caracterización de la cerámica del Periodo Sicán Tardío, Lambayeque, Perú"; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
1984 Certificate in Hispanoamerican studies; Ortega y Gasset Foundation, Toledo, Spain.

Best Doctoral Dissertation Annual Award, Society for American Archaeology (SAA award list):
Prehispanic Settlement and Land-use in Cochabamba, Bolivia. (back to biblio).

Teaching experience
1999 Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Asmara (Courses: Settlement Patterns in Archaeology; Field School I (survey) and II (excavation); History of Archaeological Thought; Laboratory Methods in Archaeology (Exploratory Statistics, Computers and Artifact Analysis).
1989-90 Part- time lecturer, Department of Archaeology, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). (Courses: "Introduction to Archaeology", "Archaeological Reports" and "General Archaeology II").
1987-9 Lecturer in "Mesoamerican Archaeology"; Department of Archaeology, PUCP.
1987-8 Lecturer in "Archaeological Reports"; Department of Archaeology, PUCP.
1986-7 Teaching assistant in "Introduction to Archaeology" course; College of Arts and Humanities, PUCP.

Professional experience
1989 Consultant in the Museo de la Nación (Lima): conception and organization of the museographic display and script of the Late Kingdoms Period exhibition in The Prehispanic wing.
1987-8 Consultant to write the text for the Catalogue of the Colección Recuperada, named
Manual de referencia al desarrollo de las técnicas artesanales andinas. Banco Central de Reserva del Perú.
1983 Assistant in the Urban archaeological survey of the city of Lima, directed by Elias Mujica. Municipality of Lima.

Archaeological Field Experience
1999 Field Director, Sembel Archaeological Project, Asmara University and National Museum of Eritrea.
1997 Director of the 1997 field season of the Proyecto Mixto en Cochabamba; co-directed by María de los Angeles Muñoz, Cochabamba Archaeological Museum;
1996 Director of the 1996 field season of the Proyecto Arqueológico Expansión Tiwanaku en Cochabamba; co-directed by María de los Angeles Muñoz, Cochabamba Archaeological Museum;
1993-94 Dissertation research fieldwork, directing the Proyecto Arqueológico Expansión
Tiwanaku en Cochabamba; co-directed by Ricardo Céspedes, Cochabamba Archaeological Museum;
1992 Summer Research Project: pilot fieldwork at the Cochabamba Archaeological Museum;
1987 Field director in the Alto Piura Archaeological Project; excavation of a Late Period cemetery in Ñañañique, Chulucanas. Project directed by Jean Guffroy (ORSTOM, France).
1986 Technical assistant in the Sicán (former Batán Grande-La Leche) Archaeological Project, directed by Izumi Shimada (Harvard University);
1986 Field assistant to Daniel Wolfmann (Arkansas Archaeological Survey) in the project of collection of archaeomagnetic samples in coastal Peru;
1985 Field assistant in the Zaña-Niepos Archaeological Project, directed by Tom Dillehay (University of Kentucky) and Patricia Netherly (U. of Massachussetts at Amherst);
1985 Field assistant in the Lomas de Malanche Archaeological Project, directed by Lic. Elias Mujica (PUC) and Ian Farrington (Australian National University, Canberra);
1985 Field assistant in the Lurín Valley Archaeological Project, directed by Richard Burger (Yale University);
1982-83 Field assistant in the Batán Grande-La Leche Archaeological Project, directed by Izumi Shimada (Princeton University).


2008 Cultural Heritage Management in Peru: Current and Future Challenges. In Handbook of South American Archaeology, edited by H. Silverman and W. H. Isbell, pp. 1069-1084. New York: Springer.

2002 Patrones de Asentamiento del Periodo Formativo en los Valles de Cochabamba. En El Formativo en la Prehistoria Boliviana. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz.

2001 El Periodo Intermedio (Horizonte Medio) en los Valles de Cochabamba: una perspectiva del análisis de asentamientos humanos y uso de tierras. Boletín de Arqueología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

1996 El desarrollo de una arqueologia andina. Editorial, El Comercio, Lima, May 16.

1995 Archaeological Knowledge in Peru: its Contribution to the Formation of a National Identity. Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society, 23(1/2):391-407.

1989 with Jean Guffroy and Rosario Galdós, "Construcciones y Cementerios del Periodo lntermedio Tardío en el Cero Ñañañique, Department de Piura". Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Etudes Andines, 18(2): 209-240.

1986 Review of Craig Morris and Donald Thompson (1985), Huanuco Pampa: An Inca City and its Hinterland. Histórica 10/2, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

n.d. Manual de referencia al desarrollo de las técnicas artesanales andinas. Banco Central de Reserva del Perú. Lima.

Fellowships and research grants
1996 Richard C. Hunt Fellowship from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. (#6128: "Territorial Expansion in the South Central Andes: A View from Cochabamba in the Middle Horizon").
1995 Postdoctoral fellowship granted by the American Museum of Natural History for 1996, for the study of the Bolivian and Cochabamba collections of Wendell C. Bennett.
1994 Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation (SBR9312906: "Tiwanaku Interaction and Formative Period Land Use in Cochabamba, Bolivia").
1993 Research Grant from the Organization of American States (OAS) for archaeological investigation and internship in the Universidad Mayor de San Simon, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
1993 Small Grant Dissertation Research from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. (#5628: "Provincial Political Organization of the Tiwanaku Rule in the Valleys of Cochabamba, Bolivia").
1993 Tinker Foundation Research Grant from the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh. Travel expenses for Dissertation Research in Bolivia.
1992 Tinker Foundation Summer Research Grant awarded by the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh. Pre-Dissertation Research in the Valleys of Cochabamba.
1990 Fellowship for Graduate Studies in Anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh (PhD track), Howard Heinz Endowment for Latin American Archaeology.
1990 Fellowship for Master Studies in Aegean Archaeology at the University of Oxford, presented by the British Council. Declined.
1990 Fellowship for Graduate Studies in Anthropology (PhD track) at the University of Indiana, Bloomington. Declined.
1984 Fellowship of the Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana to attend the seminars on Hispanoamerican International Studies, Fundación Ortega y Gassett, Madrid and Toledo.

2006 (with Kris K. Hirst) The WWW and archaeology in the public arena. Presented at the 70th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, April 2006.
2003 Sobre las cenizas de la guerra: Reconstruyendo los paisajes turísticos en la ex-Yugoslavia. II Congreso Virtual de Turismo Cultural.
Post-war Landscapes: Cultural Heritage and Politics in the ex-Yugoslavia. Presented at the 67th annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeology, Thessalonica, September 2002.
2002 Archaeology, Cultural Heritage and Politics in the National Museums of the ex-Yugoslavia. Presented at the 66th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Denver, March 2002.
2001 Museums in Distress: Building Museums in Eritrea and Kosovo. Presented at the 66th annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeology, Esslingen, September 2001. (see below)
2001 Museums in Distress: Building National Museums in Eritrea and Kosovo. Presented at the 66th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, April 2001.
Evolución de los valores de identidad cultural en el Perú: construcción de identidad en manos de las comunidades y el rol del arqueólogo, o versión en ingles, The evolution of the values in cultural identity in Peru: building identity in the hands of communities and the role of the archaeologist. Presentado en el XXII Convegno Internazional di Americanistica, Centro Studi Americanistici, Perugia, maggio 2000.
Site-level Data vs. Regional-scale Survey Data for Cultural Analysis in the Central Andes. Presented at the 64th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago, March 1999.
Ecological Complementarity in Cochabamba: Variation and Political Basis in Prehistoric Interregional Interaction. Presented at the 62nd annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Nashville.
The Territorial Expansion of the Tiwanaku Polity in the South Central Andes: a Study of Human-Land relationships in the Cochabamba Valleys, Bolivia. Presented at the 61st annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans.
1995 Settlement development in the Cochabamba region: human-land relationships from the Formative to the Intermediate period occupations. Paper presented in the 23rd Annual Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory. The Field Museum, Chicago.
1994 Tiwanaku Interaction and Human-land Relationships in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Presented at the 21st Meeting of the Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Anthropology, Ithaca College, Ithaca.
1992 Archaeological Knowledge in Peru and its Contribution to the Formation of a National Identity. Presented at the 25th Meeting of the Midwest Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnography, University of Illinois, Urbana.

Areas and topics of interest
Central Andes: Peruvian North Coast and Bolivian Highlands (Cochabamba):state territorial expansion and early states developments; mortuary patterns; agriculture and land use patterns; development of Andean craft technologies; industrial archaeology.
Public dissemination of archaeological knowledge and the educational aspects of archaeology (Eritrea, Peru and Bolivia). Culural heritage and nationl identities in the Andes and the Balkans.

Graduate Activities
1992 Co-organization of the Workshop for Latin American Archaeology. A Graduate Student work group of Latinamericanist archaeologists at the Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh.

Membership in Professional Societies: Lifetime member of the Society for American Archaeology; Sociedad Peruana de Arqueologia.

Professional experience and technical knowledge
Cultural Management:
o Museography and museum/archival collections consultant at the Museum of Kosovo, National Museum of Eritrea, Museo de la Nacion, Peru;
o Organization of databases and procedures for monument inventory of cultural heritage of Kosovo, in coordination with the Council of Europe;
o Revival programs of traditional handicrafts and training artisans, a program of the Department of Culture of Kosovo;
o Public programs on heritage and cultural issues in Eritrea and Kosovo;

Computer software and Interactive Learning
o Software based learning for Non-formal education programs;
o Web sites development, design and management
>Tiwanaku and Andean Archaeology;
      >Department of Culture of Kosovo; 
      >Literacy Exchange Online;
o  Database management and statistical analysis;
o  AutoCad R2002 for Windows Computerized Aided Drawing software. 

o  Public dissemination of archaeological information at school and museum levels;
o  Field research (excavation direction, and survey prodedures and coordination);
o  Field and laboratory drawings (architectural plans and profiles; artifacts).

Spanish: native language; English: excellent reading; good writing; excellent speaking; French: excellent reading; good writing; excellent speaking; Italian: good reading; fair writing; good speaking; Portuguese: good reading; fair writing; fair speaking; German: basic knowledge of grammar and spelling.

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Revised: September 2002